Apothecary Products Continuous Giving Scholarship Recipients Named

Apothecary Products is thrilled to share Amira Mohamed and Gayle Cederberg have been named 2024 recipients of its $2500 scholarship program, a scholarship awarded based on students exhibiting exemplary community stewardship.

Amira, relative of Aisha Ali, Warehouse Specialist for Apothecary Products, is a senior at Lakeville South High School who will be pursuing an undecided major at a local university this fall. Amira’s commitment to supporting her community has occurred throughout high school career where she has actively leveraged her multilanguage skills as a bridge to link people from different areas, backgrounds, and cultures. Fluent in six languages (Spanish, Arabic, Urdu, Somali, Swahili, and English), she has actively promoted community-based initiatives that promote linguistic diversity furthering the voice and perspectives of non-native English speakers by serving as an interpreter and translator. In her essay submission, Amiar shared “I’m dedicated to using my language abilities and cultural awareness to advance inclusivity, empathy, and teamwork, whether it be through fostering communication, providing direction and support, or actively participating in community groups. As I pursue my academic and personal goals, I’ll always be committed to creating welcoming environments where a range of viewpoints are acknowledged and celebrated in order to strengthen the bonds that bind the world’s communities together.”

Gayle, relative of Lynn Cederberg, Quality Manager for Injection Molding Solutions (Wisconsin based manufacturing location of Apothecary Products), will be a first-year student at Century College this coming fall pursuing advanced education in Radiology. Gayle too began her commitment to supporting her community in high school as a member of the National Honor Society, which enabled her ability to volunteer at numerous community events. Gayle had a leadership role in the execution of three Red Cross Blood drives over the past year and her volunteerism extended further including traveling to Anchorage, Alaska, where she brought much need attention and care for a local houseless community. Gayle shared in her essay submission, “My community has done so much for me, my school, and many of the school’s programs. Service gives me the ability to help others and possibly even change lives.”

We wish Amira, Gayle, and all the applicants success in their academic endeavors and thank all applicants for their role in building a better community.